Working Reel - Equipment
Lighting Equipment
Working Reel offers a wide range of lighting equipment for film and live events. Our lighting inventory allows us to produce live theatre and film projects simultaneously. From Fresnel to ellipsoids to floods to disco lights we just might have what is needed for your project. Cyclo-rama lights and mood lights, soft lights and spot lights, with all the diffusion and gels you need, we offer it all. And if you need it but we don't have it, we can get it for you; just ask.
Grip Equipment
Working Reel can provide you with various lighting and grip stands. We have Rocky Mountain stands, and c-stands from three feet to twelve feet. We offer auto-poles, grip arms, flags and cutters, gels and consumables, skateboard dolly and tracks, wheel-chairs, tools, gaffer tape, black foil, directors chairs, cookies and more.Working Reel can provide you with various lighting and grip stands. We have Rocky Mountain stands, and c-stands from three feet to twelve feet. And again, if you need it and we do not have it we will get it for you.
Working Reel can provide you with various props, set furnishing and other decor or hard to find items too. We have a warehouse filled with useful items for film sets and stage sets.
Props & Set Decor
Sets, Flats, Risers, Blacks,Supports, etc...
Working Reel can provide you a full modular stage with adjustable height legs. WRP has flats of various sizes (4ft - 3ft - 2ft - 18" - 1 ft) Hollywood flats or stage flats. If you need risers, we have risers galore. We have blacks for teasers, legs etc. Strong-backs and supports can come with door flats, French doors, window flats and bookshelf flats.Whatever you need we either have it or can build it for you. Just ask.
Craft Services
Can you believe it? We can even set up your craft services. We don't cater but we can arrange it for you. (Who else offers so much service?)
Sound Equipment
Working Reel would never forget that the movie or play comes to life with great sound. Do you need a boom pole, shot-gun microphone, lavaliere microphones, wireless hand held mics, or a full P.A. system? Do you need mic stands? How about a sound mixer? We offer all of this in house. Just let us know your needs. Oh and don't be shy, we have recording systems too, just ask.

For more pictures of equipment click here:
Sample pictures below..
What else do you need?... film, video, theatre, (theater)
commercials, industrials, auditions, actors, casting, crew, production
mentoring, classes, improv, dinner theatre, movie making, producers,
directors, cinematographers, equipment, studio,writers, scripting,
editing, post-production, and much, much more? ...Call Working Reel.