Working Reel - For Crew


Working Reel keeps a list of freelance crew and offers it for free to other producers. If you are interested in receiving emails about freelance gigs as we get them please feel free to sign up using the form below.

If you have a gig coming up and need union or non-union crew let us know. We can help find you the crew you need, either through our own lists, or through other industry sources.

Are you a freelance person with film crew skills?

Are you a producer in need of a crew?

The two key elements that every producer looks for are education and experience  We hope that you have attended, and successfully graduated from, a film school program. We hope you have worked on some professional film or television sets. These are required for some positions and are assets for others.

What we are looking for from a freelance team member ...

Are you a freelance person with skills to offer a theatre production?

Set builders, stage managers, lighting crew, sound effects and sound crew, props masters, and people who sew well enough for costumes all can fit into a theatre production crew. If you are wanting to develop one of these skills of if you have one of these skills and are looking for a place to apply your abilities, just send us an email and we will inform you when we know of an opportunity in theatre.

Working Reel keeps a list of freelance crew and offers it for free to other producers. If you are interested in receiving emails about freelance gigs as we get them please feel free to sign up using the form below.

First Name

Last Name


Please add me to the email list for crew

Please include any information such as film school, area of expertise, union status etc. Also indicate if you are interested in theatre.

We will email gig information as we receive it to our crew list. If you would like to be added to that email list please fill out form here.

Note you will also receive general information from Working Reel occasionally.
